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Internships are designed to give the student practical work experience in their field of study while still a student. This provides an excellent advantage in the post graduation job market. Most companies want you to have a completed college degree (with good grades) and experience. The internship provides a vehicle for getting some experience before graduation!

Getting Started

How do I get started?

  1. Review the course requirements below; the internship consists of more than simply "go to work for someone and get college credit."

  2. Determine if you want an IT or CS internship. IT internships require IT work - network support, help desk support, desktop support, server support, web support, etc.; CS internships require software development at some level.

  3. Find an organization that will give you the number of hours required (120 hours).

  4. Email [email protected] the following information:

    • name of organization
    • type of internship (CS or IT)
    • type of work (provide as much detail as you can)
    • name and email of person responsible for giving you the work/internship
    • date you plan to begin the work
  5. Enroll in CpS 465 (for IT) or CpS 475 (for Computer Science) in order to fulfill the internship requirements and receive credit.

When can I take the internship?

Any fall, spring or summer semester AFTER your freshman year.

What do I have to do for the internship besides work?

See the course requirements below: there are some academic requirements.

Course Requirements

NOTE: This summarizes requirements for CpS 465, CpS 466, CpS 475, and CpS 476 courses.

  1. Work a minimum of 120 hours for the 3 credit class (spread out over a minimum of 6 weeks).

  2. Read one assigned book and write a book report (1200-1500 words).  

  3. Write one summary paper about your work experience (750-900 words).

  4. Submit a bi-weekly post in the LMS discussion area about your work experience (150-200 words each).

  5. Maintain a log of problems encountered, research performed and solutions produced (an Excel template is provided in the course materials).

  6. A work evaluation must be submitted by your employer at the end of your internship experience.